Achieve precision and balance with the addition of vertical, horizontal, diagonal, and circular construction lines through the Grids features.
To open the Grid tool click on the “Grids” button located in the top left corner of the editor.
Square Grid
The “Square” section of the tool allows you to add horizontal and vertical grids.
To display or hide a grid:
- click on the grid type (horizontal or vertical)
- select none to hide the grid or any other option to display it
Additionally you can set the spacing of the lines as well as the color.
To create a square grid display both horizontal and vertical grid at the same time.
Diagonal Grid
The “Diagonal” section of the tool allows you to add diagonal grids.
Follow the exact same steps mentioned above to create a diagonal grid.
To create a cross grid display both primary and secondary diagonals at the same time.
Circular Grid
The “Circular” section of the tool allows you to create a polar grid composed of one or multiple concentric circles.
To display or hide the circular grid:
- select none to hide the grid or any other option to display it
- adjust the size of the first circle also named inner circle
- adjust the size of the last circle also called outer circle
- set the amount of circles between the boundaries
- set the color of the lines